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Powerful and easy-to-use structural equation modelling software. Create more realistic models than standard multivariate statistics.

More powerful structural equation modelling for testing relationships

Amos is a powerful and easy-to-use structural equation modelling (SEM) software. It produces more realistic models than standard multivariate statistics or multivariate regression models. Amos specifies, estimates, and presents its models in an intuitive path diagram to visualise hypothetical relationships between variables. This allows you to test and prove the legitimacy of claims such as "value-driven loyalty" in minutes, not hours.

Gain greater insight into your data with observed and latent variables

Models built with Amos more realistically reflect complex relationships because the software uses observed variables such as survey data or latent variables such as "satisfaction" to estimate any other numeric variable. Structural equation modelling, also called path analysis, provides greater insight into causal models and the strength of relationships between variables.

Statistical options with Bayesian estimation

With Amos, you can perform estimations with ordered categorical and censored data, thus:

  • Build models from non-numeric data without assigning numeric row numbers to the data.
  • CYou can work with censored data without making findings other than regularities.

Include numeric values in ordered categorical or censored data, so that a complete numeric database can be created if necessary, or even fill in missing values in the new database.

What industries can it be used in?

Financial services